Bob Drowned

It was a night like any other in our household. Me, Relaxing on the couch, with my son, Skel, who was curled up watching his favourite show 'Bob the Builder', Created by some guy called XxX_UrNanxDDD_XxX. I didn't mind watching the show, for some reason, I really enjoyed it. It was a blend of education and humour. Now, on this night, I had let Skel stay up later as a treat for him, as he was being very good. What happened in the next few hours was the worst experience that has ever happened to me. We sat down with our treats, popcorn and such, as the first episode started. But this... It seemed different. One of the characters, Dizzy the cement mixer, seemed to be instead of mixing cement, mixing a thick red liquid that looked a little like blood. A bit odd, but fine nonetheless. The episode started and we saw Bob just standing outside what was like a house. It was 10 minutes of him standing there and the music getting louder. All I could decipher from this music was the words, ''Spooky Scary Skeletons''. It ended abruptly. The next episode started up as soon as the last had finished and the title card flashed 'Bob Drowned'. What the hell? The first shot was Bob with a close up to the camera. His eyes were bleeding hyper realistic blood and he had human eyes! My son Skel had began crying hyper realistic tears at this point. I asked him if he was alright and all he said was 'Bob Drowned'. What the fuck was going on?!!? Skel suddenly shed his skin and showed his skeleton to me! This was not my son! It all made sense! My son's full name is Skel E Ton. I looked back to the screen to see Bob in water submerged to his neck in Hyper Realistic blood!! Suddenly he jumped at the camera and came out of my tv! I rushed to turn it off and turn on my call of duty game that I had been playing. Instead Bob came running at me! I used all the skills montage parodies had taught me, I threw doritos and mountain dew at Bob and it seemed to be working! He was drowning in mountain dew! when suddenly I remembered.
The episode was entitled Bob Drowned. I can't remember much else, by this point as I was being raped by multiple skeletons and spaghetti was flowing out of my anus. I passed out and the last words i heard were.
You've met with a gr8 f8 m8, haven't you?
Haven't you?